Afghanistan - Day 10 - Refreshment
This morning I slept in until 6:03am. (Yes, 6:03am - I remember looking at the cell phone.) Tomorrow I have to get up at 5:00am and I haven't heard may alarm clock go off in a couple of days. Oh well, I'm sure an F-18 or a convoy will do the job... I went about my morning routine of having breakfast and checking e-mail. The joy this morning was going to the Enduring Faith Chapel, where the ChapelNext service was held at 10:30am. The singing is a contemporary mix, and the message was this chaplain's last as he rotates back home. He preached a powerful message from 1 Thessalonians 2 about the work of a pastor. As moved as I was by the message, I was more moved by his call for all the chaplains to come to the front and receive a blessing/laying of hands from any who were in attendance that were leaders in their church. What an incredible opportunity to pray for the only "unarmed" soldiers whose battles are fought with other than flesh and blood. After a simple lunch ...