Reality is NOT a TV Genre...
Over the past two years I have had a great deal of time to contemplate. As I think about my life and the turns it has taken, I have come to the realization that there is much more to life than we can adequately take in. And instead of trying to sort out and enjoy the Abundant Life that God has offered us as a free gift, we have taken to filling our lives with cheap substitutes. TXTing and IMing have replaced a conversation over a cup of coffee, or even a phone call. Home entertainment systems have swallowed up the Living Room conversation. (Living Room - ironic. Nowadays it seems more like an Electronic Brainwashing Chamber: Half-dead zombies staring at a rectangular pattern taking in light and sound patterns to dull their minds from the life around them.) We have never before had more "time saving" devices or technologies on our hands. Crossing an ocean is a matter of hours, not months. Dinner can be prepared, consumed and tidied in less than an hour. Laundry machines have t...